be HAPPY for this MOMENT.......this MOMENT is your LIFE

Thursday, July 28, 2011


What can I say.....always glad when corn day is done :-). Karen Lynn plants 20-some rolls down by her turkey barns and then we try to help keep the patch clean, but life happens and with everyones best intentions the weeds take over :-(. But when the time comes to get the corn in we always have a good crop. We gather up as many of the guys we can to help us get it in the night before and start early the next morning, Janice is always kind enough to let us trash her place for the day, she has the perfect set up!!! The last 2 years we have borrowed a corn-washer-brusher machine that works wonders and cuts many hrs off our day. Grandma has one ordered for the Kemp family to use next year! Its a long but fun day and the kids have a ball.....We ended this year with 164 qts of corn....

Truck #1 of corn.......

Truck #2 of you can see its just getting light...Jan and I try to get an early start and the moms with little ones come when they can.....

We drag out any teenagers we can get...Kayla and Emily getting that wonderful machine going! As you can see they are amazed!!

Then we fill everything available with corn.....

Done husking....
Cooking and cooling....

Cutting off.....

Beautiful corn!
Emily, Jan and Dannielle....

Then the fun begins for the kids!! Kyann, Kaitlyn and Jeremy...

Claire and Kendell....

Grandma and Kayla.....transporting corn to the freezers in the neighborhood!!

another cutie...Kendrick....

Now isn't this the life? swimming and then coming in for some sweet corn!!
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jordan's 20th BDay

My firstborn turned 20 on July 16th.......hard to believe.....I was kinda depressed that week thinking that 20 years had come and gone so quickly....he is no longer a teenager.....his childhood is over and he will be graduating from college come spring and entering the real's hard not to think that if I could go back and do it again...what would I do different? But I know Ernie and I did the best we knew how at the time and if we did it again we would make mistakes again :-) We are very proud of Jordan and the man he has become.....he's doing a great job being a full time college student and holding down  a part time job on the side....WE LOVE YOU....JORDAN DEVON GRABER!!!!
As always grandma made his bday cake!!!
BDay Boy!!

Kyann ready to eat....grandpa fried fish for us and we had sweet rice with it...

I think maybe Kaitlyn was taking pics...grandma and Karen.....

Kaitlyn and Kayla...

Kayla and I.......

Kendrick and I............

Gotta love him!!!!

Calvin and Kaitlyn.....
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Friday, July 15, 2011

2011 Cardinal Game / Joyce's

In July we went to a Cardinal's game in Cincinnati and then went on to Joyce's house for the weekend.....

The view from our was up higher, but I think this is the best seats we have had so far....the weather couldn't have been any nicer..was a great night for a ballgame...I think I have set though too many afternoon games in the sun!!Lol!

Jeremy (who is sooo happy to have his picture taken! will he ever grow up!!), Morganne, Jordan and Josh........

Me and my honey :-)
Wonder what was going on in that mind of his??!!

Judy and her family had drove out to Joy's on Friday and then left Saturday to go the Cardinal's game.....Saturday  morning after having Joy's gravy and biscuits for breakfast - the kids went to the neighbors pond swimming....Judy and Ethan on the gator...

Jeremy and Allyah...


Jeremy and Allyah jumping in together.....


Now it's Eric's turn to show his stuff!!

The little diva!!

Josh riding the big 4 wheeler.....


Jordan's 20th BDay was Saturday.......Joyce got him a cake....we had pizza and homemade ice cream and cake for supper....the guys went to the truck pulls in Plain City and the women went to the movies....

Allyah and Erica....
Morganne, Jordan, Johnny and Joyce at lunch on Sunday.....

Matt, Allyah, Jeremy and Josh....

Josh, Ernie, me, Erica and Morganne.....
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