be HAPPY for this MOMENT.......this MOMENT is your LIFE

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Little Visitor!!

Who can resist a face this cute?!!

Kendrick came to our house this weekend while his mom and dad went to Nashville to celebrate their anniversary. We enjoyed having him and I think he loved being here with all these big boys making over him!!

Going on one of the many golf cart rides.....Notice the sucker - Sonny had already given him money to go to the store!!

Playing computer games with Josh.....


Time for an oatmeal pie break!

Jeremy was giving Kendrick shoe tying lessons....

It was a big decision in who's room he was going to sleep in...but when it got time to go to bed Jeremy was the only one home so that is where we made his bed. He really wanted a Cincinnati Reds blanket but we didn't have one in the house - so he said this one would be OK!! When Jeremy went to bed he shut the door like always, so I went back there and told Jeremy that Kendrick might want the door open, but Kendrick popped up and said...The dark doesn't bother me!! So I shut the door and we never heard anything from him till morning!!

Frosted Flakes with Josh....

Lunch with the big boys!!
Kendrick, you can come to our house anytime you want, we enjoyed having a little guy in the house again!!


Monday, August 17, 2009

St.Louis Family Trip 8.15-16.2009

The Lengachers, Waglers and Grabers went on a weekend trip to St. Louis. We left Montgomery about 7:15am. The Lengachers drove their van and the Waglers and Grabers drove Grandpas big green van....We didn't all fit in the big van with luggage!!

Josh and Lola - the garmin kept us on track and got us where we needed to go!!

The first stop was Grants Farm. It turned out to be a neat place and it was free!! When we got into the park we got on a shuttle and we had about a 10-15 minute ride and got to see all kinds of wildlife - deer, ostriches, long horn steers, flamingos, love birds and elk to name a few. Then we got off the shuttle in the middle of the park where we saw huge turtles, kangaroos, eagles, monkeys, snakes, chickens and goats! It was also 1 of 2 places in the world where they keep and breed the Budweiser Clydesdale Horses..they are huge and beautiful horses. They had 2 shows - elephant encounter and animal encounter that was interesting.

Jordan and Kayla watching the elephant show......

Emily, Jordan, Eric, Josh, Damon and John waiting for the big group to move on.....

Damon and Eric....

Damon and Jeremy.........

Judy and Ethan......

Chic and Jan.......

Ernie and I.....Eric said that only teenagers take pics of themselves!!

The Bald Eagle at the animal show....

The huge turtle!!

The chicken with hairy feet!!

Ethan talked mom into buying a bottle of milk to feed the goats, it was pretty funny to watch when they all came after him for the bottle!!

We went to a Cardinals game that evening, we sat in the sun for about the first hour and it was 91 was hot needless to say!! Emily had a ticket to the game before we decided to go so she sat with the Bethel youth. Jeremy got him a snow cone.....

Eric, John and Judy........

Now the Lengachers were acting like teenagers!!

Sunday morning we went to the Gateway Arch, the kids were looking forward to going to the top but there was a 3 hour wait, so we didn't stay. Chics headed home and we went to the Bass Pro Shop for awhile.

Some of the kids by the Mississippi River.....Emily, Jordan, Josh, Kayla, Damon and Jeremy.

Acting silly......

The Lengachers.......

Emily, Jordan and Kayla on the stair steps.....

The Grabers.......

Acting silly again....
The handsome driver with one of his boys shades on!!!!

Everyone was tired on the way home...especially Judy, Eric and John - they made a trip to the ER from 2:30am to 6:30am. Eric woke up having trouble breathing for being croupy....after 4 breathing treatments they dismissed him.

It was a fun weekend and I think everyone enjoyed it...but we did have a few teenagers that were biting at the bits to get home!! Linda

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1ST DAY OF SCHOOL...8.10.09

Well they are off to school is hard to believe that summer is over. As you can see I have one was real excited about going to school and for sure not excited to have their picture taken!!

Dear Lord, I ask that you go with them each day, give them clear minds and wisdom that they may succeed at whatever their dreams are, help them to choose good friends and keep them safe that we may gather together back home at the end of the day....Amen

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Josh's Summer...

This is a little how Josh's summer went, first of all he was my man power when I needed him, I think he grew at least 2 inches since school has been out. He can do about anything and is very handy to have around!!
When it came time to do corn he helped get everything set up and was always ready to haul off the husks and cobs because that entailed driving :-)
If I could not find him, the first place to look was the shed...he was usually fiddling on a motor or trying to get some old radio and speakers to work!!
It is always fun to fly around on the go-cart even though it is a tad small!!
When one of Sonny's golf carts quit running, they call Josh and he hooks up the trailer and gets it loaded for them, then Ruth rides along to take it to get fixed!!

Loaded and ready to go!!

This is buck, the black lab we got last Feb. from a lady at school. For whatever reasons he is very shy, at first he would not come out of his pen, then he began to venture out a little at a time. He still won't let us get real close to him. Josh has faithfully been working with him by just talking to him and giving him treats...he will come within inches of Josh to get the treat but then runs off right away! Hopefully he will eventually learn to trust us.
Josh also spent a lot of time fishing...this catfish is from Grandpa Grabers pond...

These were caught down at the Waglers... Giving Kendell a go-cart ride...
Josh also spent a couple days helping Calvin down at the turkey farm, he is always ready to go when someone needs help!

Josh and Katelyn being silly...

Mr. Turkey farmer...
The next generation turkey farmer learning the trade!! Too cute!!

Katelyn and Josh....

Josh and Kendrick cheesing it!!
I'm sure Josh was getting some pointers!!
If Josh gets a full time job next summer this mom will be lost..I guess Jeremy will have to step up to the plate!!
Thanks Josh for all you do around here, you have grown into such a good looking and responsible young man.
I love you! Mom

My Men Working...

Sonny's gutters needed some attention, so my handy dandy men went to take care of things!! It is hard to believe sometimes that the boys have grew up and can pretty well keep up with their dad!! This mom is very proud of them! Ernie, Josh and Jordan...

Working hard...

Ruth loves her boys even if they are a little sweaty!!

These guys were making sure it was all done right!!