Trumpet playing BOY!!!!!!

Jeremy you have brought so much life to our house....you have been blessed with a brain that just doesn't stop....when you were younger you were all the time asking what things said and what different words meant -which at times I had to stop and think to explain it to you!
Some funny things you said when you were younger:
When you were around 3 or 4 we were up at Ruth's and around that time you had a habit of not listening when I would tell you to do something...We were outside and I hollered at you an told you to come here and you acted like you didn't hear me...Ruth said -Linda maybe you need to get his hearing checked and you piped up and said -No mom - I've got sound in my ears!!
Another time when you probably about the same age - We were coming home from Vincennes one night and as we passed GPC you said - Is that New York City over there?!...most kids wouldn't have even known that there was a NYC - let alone associate it with the lights of GPC!!
Jeremy - We love you very much and I pray that God will bless you with the best year a 14 yr old can have.......
Love, Mom
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