We did Christmas for the Kemp's on New Years Day....the pics are not in the order that I wanted them...but didn't want to take the time to reload them :-)

Bros - Damon and Dustin........

Kyann with her new baby....she is such a little mommy...she loves her babies!!

Dannielle and I cheesin it!

Keith and his sweet family............

Claire was very excited about her gift...she had saw it in Jans van and wanted to know who's gift it was...Jan told her she couldn't tell her till after Christmas because it was for a special little girl...she kept asking her when she seen her!!

Mom made B-B-Q Pork, baked potato bar and noodles.......

And we also had date pudding, angel food cake and cheesecake........

Jordan and Morgan.....................

Eric and the Lengacher girls...................

Jeremy and Eric.......they think they are too cool to take pictures................

And Kendrick just wanted to be silly.................

Kendell is showing Kendrick how to smile for the camera................

Kayla, Jan and Kaitlyn.....................

Jan and Keith..................

Josh, Damon and Dustin............


Jan and Chic...........................

Me and my sweetie..........................

Mom and Dad.................................

Karen, Kendrick and Kayla.........................

Little Miss Kyann.....................

Jord and Kendrick acting silly..............................

Kyann opening her gift from grandpas........Mom still gets gifts for the younger ones to open...I love how excited they got!!

Kendell and his gift..........................

Claire and her pet station she was so excited about..............

Kendell checking out his gift...............

The big ones where happy with there cash........grandma can't go wrong there............


This was the best picture I could get of Jeremy...............

Mom and Dad.........we gave them a digital picture frame and peanuts...they were both happy!

Sisters............the older I get the more special my sisters are to me...I love you guys..........
Well that concludes my Christmas pictures......The Grabers continued the tradition of getting together on Christmas Eve...Gary and Teresa hosted it at the Bethel Hall....I didn't take my camera along.
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