Barr-Reeve JV Team had their first meet Tuesday night at NE Dubois. They had great weather for it with the temps being in the low 70s, last year it was over 100 degrees. Jeremy did very good - he was within seconds of his fastest time last year and this is a tough course with a very big hill. He came in 11th out of over a 100 boys with a time of 11.47 for the 3k race. Last year his time was 14 something and came in 66th on this course, that being his very first race ever.

As you can see the pic is blurry, this was right at the finish line and I was yelling at them because I thought that guy in the red was going to get around them!! They beat him out - way to go Jeremy and Adam!!

Receiving his ribbon and medal for placing in the top 20 runners.

I took a quick team picture and Jeremy seems to be hiding behind Connor S.......B-R came in 2nd place as a team.....if you look close you can see the team trophy being held up in the air.

Proudly showing his team ribbon and his medal and ribbon for individual placement!!
Keep up the good work Jeremy! We're proud of you!!
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