This Little Miss and her mom and
nana came to visit everyone in Indiana for a couple days.....and they stayed at our house!!! We totally enjoyed their visit!!!

Jeremy got some sparklers for
Allyah to light....

We went to
Karen's to swim one day...the water was a little cold - but I think everyone enjoyed it....

Future Model!!!!!

Claire and

Kaitlyn, Kendrick and Jeremy......

Me and Erica......

Kendell and Jeremy......

Kaitlyn , Joyce and

Emily, Jeremy, Kayla, Karen,
Kyann and Kaitlyn........

Grandma and Kendell.......

taking an ice cream break......
ummm.....think maybe Emily is a little to big for this tractor!!!!
Their time here went too fast.....we went to Knepp's Thursday for supper, Friday Ruth and Joyce went to visit Paul in the hospital and then we went to Jim and Lil's for supper and Mom made breakfast for everyone on Saturday morning before they headed back. Jackie was here also - but we didn't get to see her and Paul's family much because Paul was in the hospital due to heart problems.