This is a little how Josh's summer went, first of all he was my man power when I needed him, I think he grew at least 2 inches since school has been out. He can do about anything and is very handy to have around!!
When it came time to do corn he helped get everything set up and was always ready to haul off the husks and cobs because that entailed driving :-)
If I could not find him, the first place to look was the shed...he was usually fiddling on a motor or trying to get some old radio and speakers to work!!

It is always fun to fly around on the go-cart even though it is a tad small!!

When one of Sonny's golf carts quit running, they call Josh and he hooks up the trailer and gets it loaded for them, then Ruth rides along to take it to get fixed!!

Loaded and ready to go!!

This is buck, the black lab we got last Feb. from a lady at school. For whatever reasons he is very shy, at first he would not come out of his pen, then he began to venture out a little at a time. He still won't let us get real close to him. Josh has faithfully been working with him by just talking to him and giving him treats...he will come within inches of Josh to get the treat but then runs off right away! Hopefully he will eventually learn to trust us.

Josh also spent a lot of time fishing...this catfish is from Grandpa Grabers pond...
These were caught down at the Waglers...

Giving Kendell a go-cart ride...

Josh also spent a couple days helping Calvin down at the turkey farm, he is always ready to go when someone needs help!

Josh and Katelyn being silly...

Mr. Turkey farmer...

The next generation turkey farmer learning the trade!! Too cute!!

Katelyn and Josh....

Josh and Kendrick cheesing it!!

I'm sure Josh was getting some pointers!!
If Josh gets a full time job next summer this mom will be lost..I guess Jeremy will have to step up to the plate!!
Thanks Josh for all you do around here, you have grown into such a good looking and responsible young man.
I love you! Mom